Buying locally and responsibly in Vannes

Wrapping up for zero waste

The way we consume is changing, and zero waste is becoming increasingly popular. Whether in economic, environmental or practical terms, theSupply in bulk grocery shops has a number of advantages that shouldn't be overlooked!

Bulk grocery shops make it possible to combating food waste. Opt for the right quantity, buying only as much as you want and need.

Reduce packaging, particularly plastic packaging, for a more environmentally friendly product. a more sustainable worldThat's what bulk grocery shops are all about. Bring your own containers, jars, cloth bags, airtight boxes... for the best results. responsible shopping. Some of them are returning to the rule: every time you stock up, bring your setpoint for one of the best environmental approaches.

Eat local by buying from these grocery shops. Buying in bulk creates a close link with local producers and helps them to succeed and to be supported.


 Ready to move towards zero waste? 


A zero waste holiday

During your stay in Morbihantake the opportunity to better consumption and go zero-waste.

Bulk grocery shops are still a little-used but very practical alternative. When you're away for a short or longer period of time, it can be difficult to find the right quantity for your needs. Thanks to bulk grocery shops, you can buy only the quantity you need for your stay. getaway to Vannes.


A desire to picnic by the sea ?

The Gulf of Morbihan is bursting with breathtaking landscapes. To make the most of the Breton coastline, what could be better than a picnic on the beach? But a zero waste picniceven better!

So don't forget to bring along a water bottle, bamboo crockery, Bini (a local brand) nomad cutlery kit, a pie bag and beeswax packaging made by local designers. Find all these accessories essentials for a waste-free picnic in bulk grocery shops in the region.


Bulk grocery shops in the Gulf of Morbihan

Vannes and the surrounding area has a large number of bulk grocery shops that promote zero waste and local produce.


This is our list of bulk grocery shops in Vannes and the surrounding area:


 Discover their products now! 


Stay in an eco-responsible hotel

During your getaway in Southern Brittanychoose a eco-responsible hotelenvironmentally friendly.

Our Best Western Plus Vannes Centre-Ville hotel is making a commitment to the planet by adopting an eco-friendly approach. environmental approach. We are members of Too Good To Go for several years now. What's more, our hotel has once again been awarded the Green Key Label for 2022.

Our establishment is committed to strict environmental charter and combat food waste.

To find out more about the environmental measures put in place at our site, discover our CSR policy.

What's in store for Valentine's Day...

Valentine's evening/weekend package

Enjoy an unforgettable Valentine's Day:

special dinner with musical entertainment, overnight stay in a Superior room and buffet breakfast... Choose to spend one or two nights in Vannes!

Only on the weekend of 14 and 15 February 2025

Romantic getaway

Surprise your other half with a magical night in Vannes: champagne, gourmet treats and a gentle wake-up call... The perfect time to get together!

Until 13 February 2025